I've been keeping track of my exercise since the first day of quarantine due to the Corona Virus (Covid-19) since we're not allowed to go outside. That means no jogging and running for me. So, in order to make up for it I did indoor exercises instead. Simple ones.
I've always had my exercise mat with me just in case I needed it. Now is the right time. All the exercise are not exactly in order but I just put it based on what I do each day. I did what I feel like doing and things that I can keep up with.
There were times when I try to follow on a strict routine but end up half way. So, I made a fun and easy one for myself. Our own preferences are different because you should know what exercise you're doing and why you're doing it.
In order to achieve certain numbers of each exercise I do it in sets and reps. For example, I did 3 sets of squats in 10 repetitions each to make it up to 30 squats. No rush no stress. Just chill and get yourself pump up. It depends on you how you make your own routine work.
I'm no fitness trainer or experts but exercise is one of the things I love most. One thing about this is that you don't need large spaces. Just an exercise mat and you yourself ready to get sweaty. Play some music if it's too quiet and if you're not motivated.
Maybe you guys can also follow some other routine on the internet especially youtube. They usually gave you and instruction while talking about the exercise you're doing. It would feel like you're exercising with some friends.
There were times when I try to follow on a strict routine but end up half way. So, I made a fun and easy one for myself. Our own preferences are different because you should know what exercise you're doing and why you're doing it.
In order to achieve certain numbers of each exercise I do it in sets and reps. For example, I did 3 sets of squats in 10 repetitions each to make it up to 30 squats. No rush no stress. Just chill and get yourself pump up. It depends on you how you make your own routine work.

Maybe you guys can also follow some other routine on the internet especially youtube. They usually gave you and instruction while talking about the exercise you're doing. It would feel like you're exercising with some friends.
terbaek.. semoga sihat selalu..
DeleteOmg, rajinnya!
ReplyDeleteEheee thank you. Well, I tried my best not to skip any of the routine and I am enjoying it.
Deletekalo ada treadmill dlm umah lg sonok., hehehe
ReplyDeleteOh yeah that would be great too.
DeleteSadly no but that's okay. Kite buat apa yg mampu buat in our current situation.
Besok mau aku praktikan ah! Supaya badan tetap sehat!
ReplyDeletewahhhh fighting!!!
DeleteRajinnya! I malas betul exercise tapi boleh cuba plank 5 minutes a day.
ReplyDeletehahaha I prefer to do something simple and easy. nak prevent from burnout.
Deletei haven't done plank in so long. nak hold for 1 minute pun menggigil. XD
aaa rajinnya.. i baca pon penat.. haha
ReplyDeletedah memboyak dah ni dok rumah. rajin2 nanti i exercise
hahahaha baca pun penat kan. XD
Deletemaybe you can try a few simple exercise. lepas tu mesti x pnt dah hehe.
Qis pun tgh workout juga. Best dapat duduk rumah
ReplyDeleteyayyy that's great. keep it up!
Deletebest jg exercise dlm rumah, esp. ikut dlm youtube...enjoy je..
ReplyDeleteyeah true. Since we cannot go out so this kind of exercises are actually fun to do at the moment.
DeleteWow the determination I admire most! Hope this would hit some sense in me so I will follow your routine too!
ReplyDeleteAwwww thank you so much. Well, there were times when I am just too lazy but still managed to hit some of my routine on the mat.
DeleteYeah go for it. maybe you can make your own personal routine that you enjoy. ^^
so productive!! i really wish i could be as productive as youuu hahahah
ReplyDeleteI tried my best. hehe since I can't just sit around doing nothing XD.
DeleteWell, I'm sure you can by doing the things you enjoy. ^^
Wow keren progresnya.. terbaik.
ReplyDeletehehe thank you Bang Day
Deletepush sampe 50an tuh progres saya 25 tahun lalu. Sekarang ada ganjelan di perut
Deletewahh terbaik lah ray.
ReplyDeletehehe thank you kak ana
Deletewah rajin workout
ReplyDeletehehe xde la rajin mana but I enjoyed it. ^^
DeleteMenginspirasi 👌
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing 🙏
thank youuuu ^^
DeleteTengok Ray dah keluarkan mat tu, macam nak kena keluarkan yoga mat jugaklah. tak boleh jadi ni belum workout lagi. Thanks Ray bagi semangat sikit :)
ReplyDeletehahaha yesss jom workout kt rumah. you can do this.
Deleteheee I'm glad you're motivated now. ^^
I wish I love exercise as much as you do. For me, I always find it hard to keep a schedule for fitness. For now, yes, we should follow what you're doing. It's good while in quarantine.
ReplyDelete<a href='http://www.myxilog.com/>Myxilog</a>
Well you don't have to actually follow what I do but enough with your own simple routine.
DeleteI'm happy if I can at least motivated other people to exercise as well. ^^
Thank you for dropping by my blog.
I hope I can follow your exercise routines during this PKP.
ReplyDeleteYou can make your own routine jugak abam kie hehe.
DeleteKalau x exercise mana pun at least do some physical activities. hhehe
At least you got to stay active even indoors. ^^
i buat sehari je hari tu. hahaha
ReplyDeletehahahaha xpe janji buat. I admit mmg susah nak consistent.
DeleteWahh seems like kak Ray has a healthy RMO routine. ^_^ keep going!
ReplyDeleteI tried. hehe
DeleteI hope you'll have a good one too my dear.
rajin yang amat ni dan bagus.. kipidap. yes kena ada pergerakan dalam rumah sebab da terhad tak boleh keluar. regang otot semua =D
ReplyDeletehehe thank you so much.
Deleteyep duduk saja pun tak boleh jugak.
wow good tips..i wish that i will rajin too hehehe
ReplyDeleteheee thank you mummy.
DeleteI'm sure you have a lot more to do.
I feel lonely working out alone.. So I follow 1 hour YouTube video! Any YouTube account recommendations?
ReplyDeleteIt's fun right. I don't really have any recommendations but it would pick short ones to avoid boredom. 15-30 minutes to be exact. ^^
DeleteHaha I go up and down stairs frequently with hot sun, I feel like I am exercising. Even though, I do not have routine.
ReplyDeleteBetter than not doing anything at all. I've included that in my routines as well.
DeleteThat's great !
nice...kita pun exercise kat rumah bukak youtube je buat 2-3 hari sekali..nanti nak try buat hari2 la bila badan dah boleh terima...hahahah...terkejut dia kenapa tuan dia yang selama ni malas exercise tiba2 bersenam...
ReplyDeletehahahaha yayyy. seronoknya dengar. keep it up.
Deleteyup slowly but surely.
taksempat nak workout sebab asyik memasak je hahha eh xD
ReplyDeleteOkay la tu. memasak pun physical activity.
DeleteThat's great.
Boleh try exercise routine ray ni.
ReplyDeletenmpk best jer
hehe try la. Best sebab banyak berpeluh even nampak simple je.
DeleteEach terbaik la.ray
ReplyDeletehehe thank you so much mama
DeleteWah.. rajin Ray.. akak tak mula lagi.. sebok membaca.. hahaha.. alasan sangat..
ReplyDeletehahaha dah masuk PKP Tahap 2 dah ni.
Deleteneed to do some work out juga..
ReplyDeleteIt's not too late to start now ^^
Deletewaaa..terbaik sis suka workout
DeleteSince RMO ni saya workout balik setelah sekian lama tak workout. Saya follow Chloe Ting 2 weeks abs challenge. So far, okay je. Hahaha, btw stay safe!
ReplyDeleteyayyy that's great. I saw many youtubers tried to follow the workouts as well.
Deletenak try jugak but i have my own to follow haha.
thank you so much. you too okay.
Duduk rumah bukan alasan utk tak work out,right? hehehe
ReplyDeleteYa banyak video di youtube,semuanya berbalik pd diri sendiri juga mahu atau tidak. lepas tu saya ada install apps mcm BookDoc & 42Race sbb ada free challenge sempena ddk rumah ni... ada la juga semangat nak bergerak kekal aktif. hehe
ohhh ada challenge lg ye. tak perasan pulak sbb dah lama x bukak BookDoc since tak boleh nak keluar running. I guess I better check again.
DeleteAda awak..so far setakat harini ada dlm 3 challenge. App 42race pun ada juga. Walaupun ddk rumah kena bila join challenge ni ada jugalah sebab utk kekal bergerak. asyik duduk hadap laptop. hehe
Deletethat sounds cool. semalam bru check and yes banyak jugak challenge baru. hahah i didn't know at first. kalau tahu dah join awal2. thanx for letting me know.
DeleteYou're so discipline! Always wanted to do this but i ended up doing it for 5 mins je haha and only like once per year? Ahahhaa.
ReplyDeletehehe thank you so much. I tried my best not to skip my routine. sometimes, yes i felt tired and very lazy too.
Deleteso i decided to just at least do simple routines that can help keep me going. haha at least you tried. may you'll have that determination too someday. fighting.
Ahh...wow so determine. Kudos!
ReplyDeleteI tried for few days then I gave up haha..
Do you exercise too during fasting month?
☆ Atheera ☆
At least you tired. hehe it takes a lot of efforts and courage to be able to maintain a routine.
DeleteYou can still make it.
Well for the past couple of years yeah I did. I keep on exercising even thought it's the fasting months.
When I'm fasting, I changed the types of exercises that I do so that I don't hurt myself.
Actually I've been keeping this up since I was in high school. So exercising has been a big part of me.
It would be very hard not to.