Applying Special Leave for a semester

Applying Special Leave for a semester | Survived postgraduate study for the whole 2 years with sweat and tears but ended up needing to apply for a special leave due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Too many uncertainties and we were all needed to make our own decisions whether to continue or just apply for a break. 

Special leave is actually to be granted for students that have a medical impact. But, they must get a letter from the doctor saying that the individual is not able to continue or to attend class for the entire semester. 

Due to the corona virus outbreak we were given the chance to choose whether to continue with the semester or apply for a special leave. It means that that person will continue with their study the next semester and that the fees can be carried forward without having to pay for extras. 

So, here's and update. Never once in my entire life, I thought that I would need to apply for one. I've been considering this for almost a year due to many reasons but somehow I made it with the help of so many beautiful soul people. I am beyond grateful for that. But it seems that the time is actually now. 

I've always had these weird dreams and feelings about something was going to happen but I've never imagined that this would happen and it is actually happening now. Despite how people see it, there were beautiful memories and also scary ones. But as a summary, my 2019 was actually traumatising.

One decision could lead to a fatal outcome but can also be the best you could've ever made. I've been anxious and couldn't stop myself from overthinking for quite a while. Been asking myself lots and lots of questions and it finally came to a stop.

I'm sure all of  us have been there. So no matter what decision you make, be sure and proud of it. There's always a reason why some things happen. 

Some may think that this Movement Control Order was a bad idea and some may think otherwise. No matter what other peoples thoughts are, I've come to a conclusion that this was actually a blessing. Stay safe and take care guys.

How have you guys been? Share with me your thoughts.

Can you guys help me click this link here.


  1. Don't worry. Allah SWT is the best planner at all. May Allah ease everything on you!

    1. In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      Thank you so much sis.

  2. Kalau sambung mcm mana? Kelas online?

    1. Kalau yang ade kelas, semua online. But for me xde kelas since I'm doing my research now.

  3. Apa2 pun semoga dipermudahkan urusan..

    1. In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      Thank you so much Ejulz

  4. hai ray! saya pun tengah 2nd semester sambung master. sem pertama dugaan jerebu, sem ni dugaan covid..dah la sikit punya lama nak dapat peluang sambung belajar ni.. hihii.. apapun, insyaAllah ada hikmah yang tersembunyi di sebalik semua ini.. hikmah yang manusia tak dapat nak faham pun..
    trust your instinct.. istikharah..doa byk2..stay safe! take care ray!

    1. Hi mama daniel. uwahhh fighting. it's not gonna be easy for sure but semoga Allah permudahkan semuanya utk kite. It's true, kita hanya mampu merancang tapi Allah yang menentukan. Allah sebaik2 perancang.
      You too take care okay. Thank you for dropping by ^^

  5. love you words. "There's always a reasons why some things happen". And yea, always wish you the best!! stay safe and pretty ya sis!! <3

  6. As a healthcare worker, I can say MCO is the best idea to contain and break the chain of virus :) hehe. And I can say, there are lesser non-emergency cases I encounter in Emergency Department and lesser admission as well. Blessing for us somehow, though it is a challenge for us as well as we have lesser cases per day to practice

    1. For some people it's a blessing but for some it may not. but still, there's always a solid reason why things happens right. Pros and cons are always there. It's up to us to decide which and which are for the best.

  7. MCO leaves our world as though we're paused at the same time zone. Everything has stopped, except for the fact that we're alive. InsyaaAllah this is for the best for us, may Allah ease your post graduate study. Congratulations in advance!

    By the way, I love your blog layout! I have followed you for quite a while, has it been like this..?

    1. I love how you put it into words. Thank you so much.

      My blog have gone through so many changes within a few years since I was always searching for one that would suit me. Well, I made all the changes. hehe For those who came back after a while might notice the changes I've made.

  8. hopefully tak ada fasa ke 4 dah, tak mampu dah nak stay quarantine. Nak balik rumah jugak jumpa family.

    1. and it just happened to be extended into phase 4 earlier today. but thank goodness diorg akan bagi kelonggaran untuk kite yg terkandas ni utk balik.

  9. I'm just on my first semester but since the outbreak, I've been considering to defer the semester but still yet to make my decision. Hope whatever decision I come to would bring ease for me during this pandemic. I wish you the best too!

    1. thank you so much. I hope you'll be able to make the best decision.
      Which ever suits you most, try to consider things from a different perspectives. There are pros and cons for sure. All da best to you too. ^^

  10. selamat menyambut ramadan ray. moga2 ray dapat kumpul sama family ye..

    1. Salam Ramadhan untuk akak and family jugak. thank you akak.
      اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† In shaa Allah. mudah-mudahan.

  11. I feel blessed by reading this. You went through a lot Raydah and I proud that you are doing well until now. I am so happy and proud of you. It's okay to take a break and I think you are already preparing for that in between at least. I just started learning Bahasa Jepun and I managed to remember 25 syllabus of Hiragana so far. I hope you stay safe and if you want to text someone, you can always e-mail me. Salam Al-Mubarak!

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words. That is so sweet of you. Reading this comment and knowing that people reply it also makes me feel happy. It makes me feel better. I'll try my best to stay positive. Oh that's great. I'm learning Koreans alphabets now since I've learned Japanese for a few years now. Goodluck in learning all the alphabets. Selamat Berpuasa to you too. Stay safe and take care. ♥

  12. sama lah..akak pun nak buat tangguhan pengajian juga semester ni...dah email ke fakulti, tunggu respon diorang...

    1. Oh okay sama. Still waiting for the approval. Semoga dipermudahkan semua urusan untuk kita. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†

  13. Insya Allah this is the best decision for you. After all, you decided it after considering pros and cons no. May Allah ease your journey, Ray :)

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . thank you so much Farah.
      I sure hope so. It was not easy and yeah I've been considering this for quite a while.
      May Allah ease everything for you too. Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak

  14. Im sure what decision you make is good for you. If my uni offer to apply special leave for corona, I would love to apply too since I think it is hard for me to continue e-learning situation . May Allah bless you and hope u will be okay !

    1. Thank you so much. If you can still make it please don't give up. Do what makes you happy okay.
      May Allah bless you too and ease everything for you.
      Salam Ramadan al mubarak.

  15. semoga di permudahkanNya jua buat semua student

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . thank you akak

  16. Replies
    1. In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†

  17. Good luck for your future kak Ray... Fighting!! ^_^

    1. Thank you so much my dear. All da best to you too okay.
      salam ramadhan 2020 1441 hijrah

  18. May everything going on smoothly & may Allah ease ur journey too.

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . thank you so much pretty.
      Back at you ♥

  19. Tetap semangat. I hope u sehat selalu yaaa.. Stay safe

    1. Thank you so much dear. Will do.
      You too stay safe okay.
      salam ramadan al mubarak.

  20. I hope you can complete your thesis on time. Good luck!

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . thank you abam kie.
      in shaa Allah.

  21. No matter what our choice is, May Allah ease everything :D

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . thank you so much my dear.
      Back at you.
      Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak

  22. Semoga urusan Research Ray dipermudahkan oleh Allah SWT

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . Thank you so much akak ♥

  23. you know what's best for you... may Allah ease everything for you ray !

    1. In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      thank you so much darling ♥

  24. Insya Allah ray buat the best decision. Lagipun mma.rasa mmg ambil.masa lma.utk.betul2 back to.normal

    1. True. Tak dapat dinafikan yang tu. We got all the hint from PM already.
      Thank you so much mama ♥

      In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†

  25. Well, any decision you make, make sure you don't feel regret. Have confidence. It might not be feel good right now. Later Allah will show you the 'hikmah' of your decision.

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words. ♥
      In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      I sure hope so. Trying my best to stay calm and make the best out of it.

  26. May Allah ease everything for you.. Adik sy pun x tau lah samada dia nak stay hostel ataupun balik.. Salam Ramadan dan selamat berpuasa Ray ^^ ~ Semoga covid-19 ini segera berakhir..

    1. Thank you so much. Ramadan Kareem to you too.
      Rata-rata ada dah yang dihantar balik. Tapi yang boleh balik pun utk yg di zone hijau je.
      I'm hoping things will get better soon too. Stay safe and take care.

  27. Replies
    1. In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†

  28. All the best for you Ray, both in your study and life. Btw i couldnt find any ads here, so i just clicked on the link u shared above. Hopefully it will help increasing your coins :)

    1. Thank you so much akak. I hope things will get better soon.
      Yeah you won't be seeing any ads here. haha and thank you so much for clicking the link.
      Please click the banner as well. hehe mmuah ♥
      Stay safe and take care.

  29. Replies
    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      thank you so much

  30. Trusting Allah's plan. May Allah ease everything. Ameen..
    Stay Safe.

    1. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      Thank you so much akak.

  31. take care. overthinking ni mmg orang perempuan punye perangai.haha.kak pn slalu overthinking sal keje orag kak train fikiran utk rileks...

  32. Take care Ray.. Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan..
    Okay je MCO ini sebenarnya.. untuk mengawal virus tu kan..

    1. Thank you so much akak. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ† . In shaa Allah.
      You take care and stay safe.

  33. This pandemic hits people differently.
    Some find it hard to survive, others find it as a blessing.
    But whatever it is to you, I hope the decision that you made will not put you in burden.
    All the best Ray.

    1. It is both a challenge and blessings to me. Well, to all of us of course.
      In shaa Allah. اَÙ…ِين ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†
      Thank you so much for your beautiful words.
      I hope things is good for you as well.

  34. tbh, i actually kinda like MCO walaupun banyak benda yg terhad misalnya seperti keluar rumah. mungkin kita dah lama sangat duduk rumah sampaikan rasa macam dah tak kisah kot kalau tak jumpa orang hehe

    n pasal jumpa doktor tu betul. saya selalu ada appointment n kadang2 rasa bersalah masuk kerja lewat. tpi bila MCO ni macam tak perlu risau, appointment jalan je macam biasa n tak perlu rush2 nak gi kerja

    1. I am beginning to adapt to it as well but am afraid as well. I'm afraid that it would feel awkward to go out and see the outside world once again.

      All in all, I'm learning to use all my time in doing beneficial things as well as learning a lot of new things. Being productive is my middle name now. haha


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