It's suddenly July and I'm back

Hi everyone. How have you been? 

I hope there are still people here who are willing to read my post. It was really hard for me to be in front of my laptop since my body won't allow me to even touch it. I got back home with more work waiting to be done. Not having any inspiration and mood to write was also one of the factors I needed to stay away. 

Oh, I've missed you guys a lot. I'm here again!

This is not my first time being absent from the blogging world for quite a while. I regularly took my time off to face the real world. Been busy with so many things from work to study to babysitting and recently we had a new family member. And my lifestyle changed again. 

A magpie. Make sure to read it clearly. It's a bird okay and they're still babies. 

It has been super tiring since my cats had major surgery and I needed to take proper care of it so that the recovery process will be smooth. Alhamdulillah, my cat can already run around and are back to normal. I can finally have my beauty sleep. 

Putting that aside, since the MCO start and that it has already ended I've been working diligently from home. The works also doubled up ever since. Now that I've cleared some of it, I'm enjoying some free time at the moment and thinking of continuing with the giveaway I've promised to organize for you guys. Sorry that it took this long. 

Okay, that's all for my latest updates. I'll be posting more soon. See ya. 


  1. awww I hope u get proper rest ^_^ I also have more free time now since the sem has just started...

    1. Thank you so much. I've been resting and healing for quite some time. That's why I stop updating my blog for a while. plus i've been super busy and haven't got much time to write. but thank you so much for stopping by again.

  2. Finally, updated! Hehee.. Oh, new babies..hehehe..must super duper busyyyyyyyyyyy~

    1. hehe yayyyy I'm back. My updates are a bit lesser day by day but I always come back whenever I needed to. Thank you so much for dropping by.

      yeah super duper busy and they are very cute! now that i got a lil bit of free time, i'm using it to update my blog.

  3. I always read your blog because I love your language !

    1. Awwww Alhamdulillah. That means a lot to me.
      May Allah bless you pretty.

      Thank you so much for the beautiful words.

  4. That unicorn notebook is too cute! But other than that, welcome back to blogging again! I hope your cat is doing well since he/she is running around again (that's what cats do best). hehe Looking forward to more posts from you soon!

    1. Ikr. I fell in love with my own notebook each and every time. Sorry but that's the truth. haha

      Alhamdulillah. She's okay now, very healthy and happy. I'll be sure to update more. ^^ Looking forward to read all your post too.

  5. Happy July. Dah Middle of July. Sekejap je kan..

    1. IKR. Time sure flies.

      May July be a great month for you.

  6. Replies
    1. hahaha thank you. short story je. ^^

  7. welcome back sis!! how i misssssss you soooo much! i hope everything's going to be okay soon and pls send my regard to your cat!! 😭❤️

    1. Awwww hi darling. I miss reading your cute comments on my blog too. I hope you are doing fine.

      Jangan la nangis haha. My cats are fine now. Alhamdulillah. heee okay nnt akak sampaikan kat dye. ^^

  8. Replies
    1. Alhamdulillah. dah sihat dah skrg.
      tuan dye pun dah boleh rehat sikit. hehe

  9. Replies
    1. thank you so much. you too stay safe.

  10. lama tak jenguk sini..hope everything goes well

    1. hehe ray pun lama tak jenguk your blog. things are okay. Alhamdulillah. I'll pray the same for you too.

  11. hello, ray. good to know you have free time for yourself. wait. are you married? anyway, send my love to both baby and cat. actually, there is small part of this post makes me feel anxious about myself but i've no confident to share it here. however, i share the feeling anyway hehe. i just feel like to share it here. take care, ray. =)

    1. Hiiii. it has been so so long. I think hehe. I hope you're in a good condition.
      oh no. I'm not yet married. haha. We actually have new pets and sure will do so. ^^

      Oh my, I am really sorry about that. I really don't know which part that makes you fell that way but I apologised. But please please please don't let that feelings get over you. You don't have to read this post again, okay.

      Anyway, thank you for telling me. I'll be careful next time. I'll be more cautious about what I write. You too take care alright. stay safe and be well.

    2. oh i see. it's the pets. lmao

      hey hey hey. no biggie. write anything you feel right. i felt that way because it hit the right part. i know it's just me still resisting.

      anyway, always love your writing =)

  12. اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن .

    Thank you so much.

  13. aww cutenya ray, jadi nurse utk kucen ye..

    1. hehehe itu la pekerjaan tetap ray dr dulu smpi skrg XD.

  14. Hey ray, hows goin? I hope you are doing fine .I'll pray the best thing will happen in your life. hey what??a baby??? oh...a bird XD

    i also rested for a while from the world of blogging as i am busy with assignments and all other stuffs.
    You know what,i've just posted new entry. hope you can drop by to say hye 😘


    1. Hey there cuya. I'm sorry it took awhile for me to reply this. i was driven away by a lot of things that blogging has to come last. But dun worry, I'm not gone for good.

      Yeah it's a bird. thank you so much for the kind words. I'll be sure to visit and read all your entries too.

  15. welcome back....hehehe....cats....bestnye....

    1. yayyy thank you. Although I went absent again right after this post haha.
      They're so big and healthy already.

  16. Dah nak abis Julai. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan..

    1. hahhahaha can't help it. time flies so fast that I lost track of time.
      In shaa Allah. اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
      thank you so much

  17. Life happens, and everything requires our attention... I have also neglected my blog for a long time due to work and personal commitments. Now, I am back, but don't know how long this blogging mojo is going to last.
    Btw, this is a lovely blog.

    1. Exactly. That is so true. There are other things that requires our attention and our priority. My blogging mood is not always there but when it's there I'll used it to the max. I hope your blogging mojo will last for a long time so that we can keep on supporting each other and sharing things to people.

      Thank you so much. I hope you have a great time here.

  18. Is the unicorn notebook for the giveaway? Or not? Too cute lah hehe.
    P/s: Welcome back! 😉

    1. hahahahaha sorry pretty. that's not for the giveaway. it's my favourite notebook since it's so cute. XD

      hehe thank you so much. sorry it took so long for me to reply this.

  19. Replies
    1. hi dear. yeah it has been a while. hehe

  20. enjoy your time at home during MCO and enjoy your work too

  21. ya masoh suka untuk membaca coretan dalam blog ini


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