Giveaway is ending and you guys made my day

Giveaway is ending and you guys made my day
| Hi lovelies. Before my giveaway ends tomorrow I just wanted to express just how thankful I am for all the beautiful words you've given me throughout this segment. I read each and every one of it. The only thing I couldn't do at the moment is replying it. Sorry about that. I promise myself to try my best and reply to each and every comment but it will take some time to do so since I have a lot in my plate. 

Your beautiful words heals

Sometimes organizing this giveaway segment can be a part of my healing journey. I know I am being selfish but I think I needed one. It has been super stressful these days and I think this giveaway can be considered one of the remedies I decided for myself. I love coming back to the blog and read all the charming words you wrote. 

With that being said, you guys really are beautiful inside and outside. I will take my time to visit all of you back. Can't wait to see who the lucky ones are. 

I never thought there'll be so many of you to join my giveaway segment because I've never expect much from it since I couldn't spend much time on it. Thank you so much for the supports. I am really grateful for it. May God bless all of you. 

For those who haven't join, there's still time. It ends tomorrow (24/09/2020 | 11:59 PM). 

Click here to join my giveaway before it ends.


  1. I'm so happy that your giveaway has been such a success! I like the positivity that everybody has towards your giveaway too and I'm glad you're cheered up after reading some of the words about your blog. Hehe Anyway, have fun and I look forward to more beautiful posts from you soon!

  2. thank you for organizing this GA :D <3

  3. aww it is so true. words can heal. sometimes actions speak louder, but when its online, people need words to most to know they make a difference in someones life. hope you're having a great day/night!

  4. ooo couldn't wait for the winner announcement ! thank you for hosting this great giveaway !

  5. thank you for organizing this !and please do more in future :)

  6. I love to join your giveaway btw , yeah I believe doing what we love for our healing process aren't selfish , its a must to fulfill our own need

  7. Aww I missed the giveaway as I just have some time to do blogwalking. Work sure is hectic nowadays. But I'm glad your giveaway is a success and it helps your healing journey. Take care Ray.

  8. it's such a beautiful giveaway unfortunately I didn't have chance to follow. Just got the time to roll around. Your blog is prettier, Ray. Love it ^^

  9. Who the winner. I cant wait to know who the winner

  10. tak sabar nak tahu pemenangnya


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