PG Mall: 916 Gold Cultural Day | About a week ago I posted my giveaway and just a few days ago I wrote an entry about how heartbroken I was. So, now I am back with another entry and it's about our favorite topic. Online shopping. 

Who else loves online shopping? You've come to the right page. Another awesome news here. You know how often things changed and just a few months ago we got the news that the price of gold is increasing again. Yes, it changes from time to time but the last time was a major one that people started to go out and buy golds. Now you can even get gold from PG Mall.

If you're still unsure and don't remember about PG Mall, feel free to continue and read okay lovelies. 

916 Gold Cultural Day

Save the date guys. Starting from 15th - 17th September 2020, Malaysia Gold Association (MGA) is initiating 9.16 as Gold Cultural Day/Hari Budaya Emas/黄金文件节 which shall fall on 16th September every year.

The objective of 9.16 Gold Cultural Day is to create awareness of gold ornament is a bond in Malaysia cultures, stimulate the local economy, and helping Malaysia bilateral trade.

The price will be at RM24X/g, the lowest price in town. All the more reason to shop at PG Mall now. hehe

Not only that, on this special day for 916 gold jewelry you will get to purchase golds with direct factory price and free shipping. And that is only applicable when you buy at PG Mall

"916" is not only just a number. It's a meaningful number to the Gold industry. 916 represents 22 carats of gold, historically the most popular used fineness for gold jewelry in countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. 

Great news for retailers and wholesalers. All may join this fiesta and will be able to sell it for a direct factory price. To know more please do visit this page. I'll provide you guys with the link okay. 

Please spread the love to claim all our coupon

Here's what you should know about PG Mall

You must be wondering what this is all about and what actually PG Mall: 916 Gold Cultural Day means. For a start, as I have recently shared with you guys PG Mall is Malaysia's No.1 E-commerce platform and has been established since 2017. Believe it or not, PG Mall is said to be the only local e-commerce platform in Malaysia. Aren't you proud of it? I am! What surprises me more is that PG Mall is also ranked as the top 2 e-commerce site at Iprice insight report. 

You can check it out here -

And I'm adding one more here, PG Mall now accepts all e-wallets and payment getaway. It is very convenient and you can use any that you have. Easy peasy. When I say e-wallet it means all sorts of e-wallet alright.

Touch n' Go

You know these days it's easier to shop around and you don't even need to bring a wallet while shopping. I find it very convenient at times just by having to use my e-wallet to buy my things. So, here are more awesome deals for you guys.

  • This one is exclusive for the new shoppers. From 1st September - 30th September 2020, you'll get RM3 reloaded on e-wallet with a minimum spend of RM15

Here's an exclusive link for those who are new to Touch n' Go shopper -



Just like Touch n' Go e-wallet, Boost is also available and you know there's so much you can do with Boost. You might want to keep an eye on these too.

  • For boost users, starting from 5th September - 4th October 2020 with every minimum spend of RM15 you'll get a cashback of RM3.

Health & Beauty Essential week

It doesn't end there, PG Mall can be so full of surprises and we are blessed with health & beauty essential week that starts from 15th September - 30th September 2020.

  • RM25 off min spend RM100, free shipping capped at RM4. Don't forget to use this code to get your RM25 off - LOVEPGHB25
  • RM30 off min spend RM150, free shipping cap at RM4. And to get RM30 off, don't forget to use this code during your purchase - LOVEPGHB30
To be directed there click this link alright lovelies -

Visit now at

What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and head to PG Mall now. 

For more information, feel free to find out more about PG Mall here. 




#PGMall #PGJewel #onlineshopping #shopping #MalaysiaNo1ecommerceplatform #ecommerceplatform #Shopnow #Shoponline #FreeShipping #916sale #Goldculturalday #MGA #MalaysiaGoldAssociation


  1. as me starting to love gold nowadays kot, maybe la.. i pun tak sure but this is a very interesting sales!!!

    1. it is indeed. I just happened to love it. Not really interested before but now I sure do.

  2. Bling bling. Harga emas tengah mahal tapi PG Mall bagi murah je nie.

    1. ikr. dapat beli dengan harga berpatutan tu. berbaloi baloi

  3. di pg mall byk jual gold postage ke sbh ada mahai skit la hahaha

    1. oh jaoh tu. tp xpe, banyak option kan skrg.

  4. wow! So shining lah. Siapa suka beli emas should grab cepat-cepat.

  5. sales lagi.. bestnya siap boleh beli emas

    1. ray dah semakin rambang mata ni. kene tutup apps eh tutup phone hahahha

  6. dasyat kan. ray sendiri pun terkejut. senang nak survey

  7. siapa nak beli emas boleh beli sini .. hii..tak sangka dah semudah mcm ni nak beli emas kan

  8. lain macam pg mall....Promosi dia boleh buat kita nak shopping sakan

  9. so easy these days when u can shop without carrying cash in hand..

  10. Tak sangka kat pgmall banyak jual emas rupanya...


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