Losing 1kg in a day

Losing 1kg in a day | From the title itself, some can tell that it's not healthy. And I am not well at the moment plus I'm having problems with my wisdom tooth. I can gain weight easily but at the same, I am really good at maintaining it. Being able to control my desire to eat my favorite food all the time helps me to watch over my health. You guys know I usually practice a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy food but this time it can't be helped. XD

This post is not to share on how to lose weight but just why I usually lose that 1 kg within a day. Some people thought I was on a diet to lose weight. The truth is I'm not trying to lose weight but more to just maintain my current one. I was actually advised to eat more and gained weight. haha 


I know I often share about food and places but there's a limit to what I can eat and this girl took extra care each and every time. Plus there's still more place which I didn't get to share. Stay tuned. 

I am not on a diet to lose weight but I'm practicing a soft diet to make sure I don't hurt my gums. It has been a year and wisdom tooth has been acting up making me in pain each and every time. I can't really chewy food instead I focus on the food that is easy to chew and swallow. 

No cold drinks or drinks that are too hot. I love warm water so not having any of those is a no problem. I've changed my way of eating and drinking years ago. So a soft diet is what I do for the past couple of years. 


These days I've been super busy with work and stuff so I have really limited time to exercise but instead, I do simple routines. I've shared in my old post so I'm not gonna put it here. But you can check out my links here.

  1. Indoor Exercise
  2. Stay in shape 

I know this is very random and yeah I always post random things. But thank you so much for stopping by reading my blog. Have

Note: I'm not feeling very well and most probably dehydrated of losing water from my body. That's why people sometimes can lose so much weight in a short period of time. That explains it. 

Have any of this ever happen to you? Mind Sharing?


  1. please take care dik, kalau masih tak ok lagi better buang je gigi bongsu tu... gigi bongsu akak dulu pun sangat menyakitkan, lastnya buang je baru tak ganggu gigi yg lain

    1. Thank you so much akak. Memang nak kene buang dah sbb sangat menganggu my daily life cuma tak boleh buat kt my current place. mine is that special case punye and kene pergi pakar. uhuk uhuk

      akak buat kt mana ?

  2. Get well soon, get advise from dentist..

    1. thank you so much nohas. yeah i already did. waiting for my next appointment now.

  3. Replies
    1. ray suke exercise pagi tp selalu x smpt. so mmg exercise ptg je la

  4. wow! amazing lose weight 1kg a day. For me, dah boleh jadi kejayaan terbesar. Its goodlah on diet for healthy lifestyle.

    By the way, Hope you feel better soon.

    1. thank you so much akak. well it's def not a healthy one sbb it happens dalam x sedar and i feel really unhealthy. xde energy but that was because i wasn't feeling well plus xde appetite utk makan. i'm feeling better now and need something good to eat. hehe

  5. I lose a lot of kg when I was having food allergies to chicken and egg. I'm okay now but it does change the way I eat currently 😅

    I thought it was normal for our weight to shift in a day — thats why we are not advised to weight ourself everyday? I think I read it somewhere. But whatever it is, take care and don't overwork yourself!

    1. yes that is definitely true. same here. since i discovered that i also have some kind of food allergies, i need to change my diets as well. plus my wisdom tooth has been acting up for a while, it took a lot more than it seems. but it's a good thing too because at the same time i can practice healthy diets not only for me but also the people around me. i can make them avoid eating unhealthy food haha.

      any way thnk you so much. i'm feeling better now. a lot better. Alhamdulillah.

  6. that is much healthier while mine is not sbb ni lebihnya hilang air je kalau cepat sgt. basically i am dehydrated. but am feeling better now. that's okay akak, yg pntg sihat.

  7. get well soon.. and drink lots of plain water ok... dont force yourself too much in whatever u do.. u need rest

    1. thank you so much. i'm feeling much better now. hehe i won't and i'm taking better care of myself now. you too take care alright

  8. saya pun sama tgh nak lose weight sbb rasa berat dah naik. tgh cuba eat healthy tpi kadang2 terbabas gak ;-;
    dulu kan saya sejenis yg makan semua bende tpi berat tak naik sbb metabolism tinggi, tpi skrg mcm cepat ya naiknya. sedih betul..

    saya ada cadang nak buat chloe ting abs excerise for 2 weeks tu tpi ya Tuhan... nampak seksa ya T__T doakan saya berjaya buat exercise tu hahaha


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